Frequently Asked Questions

Amenity Access

    What are the operating hours of the pool?

The pool season typically runs from April until October. During season, the pool is open every day from 6:00 AM - 8:30 PM. 

    How many guests can I have at the pool?

 Homeowners are limited to eight (4) guests per adult household member. 

    Where is the pool located?

The pool is located at 1805 Musket Valley Trail, Austin, TX 78754

    Is alcohol allowed at the pool?

Use of alcohol is strictly prohibited at the pool. 

    Where can I get an access device?

You can request pool access credentials here or by emailing:

    How long does it take for my request to be fulfilled and how will I receive my device?

Please allow up to 7 business days from form submission to receive your access device. When your access device is ready for pick up, you will receive an email notification. You can choose to either have your device mailed to you or pick it up at your local Goodwin office.


    What types of exterior modifications can I make to my home without requiring approval of the association?

An application must be submitted and approved for all exterior property modifications.

    Where do I find my community's architectural modification request form? 

Click here to submit an architectural application online.

    What's the process for submitting the application?

1: Access the web-link

2: Fill out the online questions concerning your improvement request 

3: Please include a copy of your plot plan with the location of your improvement highlighted, and any other pertinent plan information or applicable permits. 

4. Please submit only one improvement per application

How long does it take to get approval?

Once the application is submitted it will be reviewed by the Architectural Review Committee. This committee of community volunteers is tasked by the Board of Directors to review each submission to determine that the request follows the association’s architectural guidelines. A response from the committee may take as many as __30___ days from the date of submission. Please ensure that you provide as much information as possible with your application to avoid delays. 

    What is the status of my application?

If you have not heard from the Community Manager or Architectural review Committee  within __14___ days from the date of submission, please submit a request via TownSq or email your Community Manager at

Board Meetings

    How do I find out when the next Board meeting takes place?

Board Meeting dates and times are typically noticed via the News and Events section of TownSq. If you have registered your email address, we will also send meeting details via email in advance of the meeting. 

    Where can I find copies of the most recent Meeting Minutes?

Meeting minutes are posted in the Documents section of TownSq. 

Common Area Maintenance

    What does the Association maintain and what am I responsible for maintaining?

Homeowners are responsible for maintaining their property starting at the curb, back towards the property. The HOA will maintain any common areas and areas owned by the HOA.

    I need to report a maintenance issue to a common area in the community...

We sincerely appreciate your efforts in alerting our management team of any maintenance issues in your community. Please submit a request via TownSq and include a picture and as much detail as possible where applicable. You will be able to track the status of your request via TownSq. 

    What is the trash/waste pick-up schedule for my community?

Trash collection in the community is on Wednesdays.

    What is the bulk pick-up schedule for my community?

Please reference the City of Austin’s Website: 

    How do I get a mailbox key?

Please contact your local United States Postal Center for instructions on obtaining your mailbox key or contact a locksmith if your house was purchased as a resale. 


    I just received a violation notice. Who can I talk to about it?

Covenant violation related inquiries can be directed to our Compliance Department at Additional contact information is available on the notice you received.  

    I need to report an issue with a neighbor's home. 

Please submit a request via please submit a request via TownSq and include a picture and as much detail as possible where applicable.

    When does the compliance driver come through our community?

The schedule will vary, but our compliance drivers typically visit the community on a bi-weekly basis. Spot inspections are also completed. 

    Is there a list of do's and don'ts I can give to my tenant?

A copy of the community’s Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions can be found on TownSq under the Documents tab. 


    Who can I reach for help?

We have a team of industry professionals standing by to assist you. Here are the various ways you can reach us:

?    TownSq App: Submit a request via our web and mobile application.  

?    Customer Service Team: Available Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-6:00 PM. 

855-289-6007 or Live Chat is available on our website at

Community Manager:

Compliance Team: Covenant violation related inquiries can be directed to

    How can I reach the Board of Directors?

You are invited to address the Board of Directors at the next scheduled Board Meeting or by submitting a request via TownSq. 


    What is my balance?

You can view your account balance by logging in to TownSq. You may also request your balance by contacting our Customer Service team Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-6:00 PM by phone, 855-289-6007, or via email at Live Chat is available on our website at

    How do I pay my assessment?

For your convenience, we offer several payment options:

Option 1: Mail-In Your Payment to the following address:

APCW – Pioneer Crossing West

c/o Goodwin Processing Center

PO Box 93447

Las Vegas, NV 89193-3447

Option 2: TownSq website ( or mobile application. Your account balance is also available by accessing your TownSq account.

From the web:

o    Login to TownSq at

o    From the top of your home page feed, select the account you’d like to make a payment on.

o    Click “make a payment” to choose from a menu of options including pay your open balance, set up a recurring payment or make a one-time custom payment.


From the TownSq App:

o    From the top of your mobile feed, choose the account you’d like to make a payment on.

o    Click “make a payment” to choose from a menu of options including pay your open balance, set up a recurring payment or make a one-time custom payment.

TownSq offers both ACH and debit/credit card payment options. When making credit card payments online, there is a $1 convenience fee plus 3.5% of the total payment amount. This fee is based on your assessment. When making a payment via e-check, there is a $1 convenience fee.

Option 3: Bank Bill Pay Service - If you use a bill payment service that automatically makes payments for you, please change the name of the payee and the address for payment to the PO Box address referenced above.  You will need to note your account number and association code (APCW) in the memo section of your check. 

    Can I pay my assessment with a credit/debit card? 

Yes, credit/debit cards are accepted through TownSq. 

From the web:

o    Login to TownSq at

o    From the top of your home page feed, select the account you’d like to make a payment on.

o    Click “make a payment” to choose from a menu of options including pay your open balance, set up a recurring payment or make a one-time custom payment.


From the TownSq App:

o    From the top of your mobile feed, choose the account you’d like to make a payment on.

o    Click “make a payment” to choose from a menu of options including pay your open balance, set up a recurring payment or make a one-time custom payment.

TownSq offers both ACH and debit/credit card payment options. When making credit card payments online, there is a $1 convenience fee plus 3.5% of the total payment amount. This fee is based on your assessment. When making a payment via e-check, there is a $1 convenience fee.

    What is my property code?

Your Property Code is APCW.

    What is the Management ID?


    When is my assessment due?

Assessment rates are $39 per month and due on the first of each month. A late fee will be assessed on the 11th day of the month if a payment is not received before then.

    Are there any fees associated with online payments?

When making credit card payments online, there is a $1 convenience fee plus 3.5% of the total payment amount. This fee is based on your assessment. When making a payment via e-check, there is a $1 convenience fee.

    Why does my account show a negative number?

A negative number means that you have a credit balance. 

    I received a letter about a past due assessment. Who can I talk to about these fees?

Contact our Customer Service team Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-6:00 PM by phone, 855-289-6007, or via email at Live Chat is available on our website at 

    Who can I talk to about setting up a payment plan?

Contact our team at A member of our team will be happy to assist you however possible. 

    How do I update my Western Alliance payment information?

To update existing Western Alliance recurring payments, click here.

    How do I cancel my Western Alliance auto draft?

To update existing Western Alliance recurring payments, click here.

    What is my assessment paying for?

Your community’s assessment pays for the operating expenses of the association. This can include utilities, road maintenance, landscaping, amenity maintenance, insurance, etc..

    Where can I find my account number?

You can find your account number in your billing statement or coupon book. If you cannot locate your account number, please contact our Customer Service team at 855-289-6007.


    My lender is asking for a copy of the association's insurance. Where do I get this information?

Contact our Customer Service team Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-6:00 PM by phone, 855-289-6007, or via email at Live Chat is available on our website at You can also submit a request through TownSq. 

Owner Information

    How do I update my contact information/mailing address?

Contact our Customer Service team Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-6:00 PM by phone, 855-289-6007, or via email at Live Chat is available on our website at You can also submit a request through TownSq. 


    How do I get a lender questionnaire completed? 

Lender questionnaires can be ordered via the HomeWise website at

    How much does a lender questionnaire cost?

Visit the HomeWise website at for pricing. 

    Where do I obtain a resale certificate?

Resale Certificates can be ordered via the HomeWise website at

    I'm the Lender and would like to get a statement.  Is there a charge for this?

A statement can be ordered via the HomeWise website at


    What is TownSq?

TownSq is an all-in-one mobile app designed to help you connect, collaborate and stay up-to-date with your community – any time on any device. TownSq streamlines operations for board members and simplifies community living for homeowners. With TownSq you can: 

?    Easily communicate with neighbors, community managers, and board members 

?    Manage your account and pay online

?    Get up-to-date community news and events

?    Request and review status of service inquiries

?    Participate in community polls

?    Access community forms and documents

?    And more…

    How do I register for TownSq?

Registering for TownSq is fast and easy. Follow the steps below to get started: 

1.    Visit

2.    Enter your Account Number and Zip code (Physical property address)

3.    Provide your email address and create a password 

    I'm getting an error when I try to register for TownSq. Can you help?

Contact our Customer Service team Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-6:00 PM by phone, 855-289-6007, or via email at Live Chat is available on our website at 

    How do I change my email preferences for TownSq notifications?

Once you have logged in to TownSq, you can edit your notification preferences by editing your profile. To edit your profile, click on your name in the top right-hand corner of the TownSq page and a drop down will appear with the “Edit Profile” link.

    How do I submit a request in TownSq?

Once you have logged in to TownSq, click the “Requests” link on the menu bar on the left-hand side of your screen. 

    I forgot my TownSq password, how can I reset it?

Visit to reset your password.